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If you are a registered user than just login or ask for recovery no need to send your paper via e-mail. For new users or for those who need to change their user roles: In some periods of time, in order to be registred an e-mail may be asked from the user's. This extra step is taken due to some attackes to the journal web site. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have cause. After receiving your e-mail the journal will create your user account and send you an e-mail for accessing it. Or a direct registration may be granted and then the user is excpetced to follow up the directions. Please do not leave any place blank if it is required to be filled by the system. Also, in some cases potential reviewers are requested to be suggested by the authors though the editors are free to assign different reiewers. Also, please do not suggest any coauthor or anyone with mutual ineterst, or more than one reviewer from the same country. Please suggest diverse reviewers.
Thank you for your interest in our journal.
cls file and jacodesmath_exmples.tex for the author
Note: For the first submission it is not required to use these files, after the acceptance then you are required to have your paper submitted in the format of the journal by simply using these files.
The cls file should be in the same folder with the tex file in order to latex properly:
jacodesmath_example.tex and jacodesmath.cls
If you need help please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for considering JACODESMATH.
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